A Better Way to Resolve Conflict


 When people disagree and they are unable to make things right by talking the matter out, forgiving the wrong, making restitution or simply walking away from it, they usually think of taking the matter to court.   But is that the best way to work through disagreement?  Is there a better way that gives you– instead of a judge or jury– control of important decisions about your life?  Do relationships really have to be destroyed by accusations and spite? Do disputes have to be settled in an atmosphere of fear and in an unfamiliar environment controlled by others?

There is a better way, and it is called mediation, a voluntary process where people who disagree seek a wise agreement about each issue with the help of a professionally trained specialist in conflict resolution,   This website explores that process, explains how it works, and describes the qualities you need to look for in a mediator who can help you reach a practical and reasonable solution to your particular issues, whether they originate at home or at work.

As I have been busy practicing law nearly all of my adult life, I have also been a student and teacher of the Bible.  I realized that the principles of reconciliation given in the Bible mesh almost perfectly with what I had learned as a mediator about settling disputes.  So I try to apply those principles when I am helping people through mediation.  I don’t do this in an attempt to impose my religious views on anyone else, but simply to help people think through their problems through the lens of these valuable principles, no matter what their particular faith.

If this sounds like something you can use, explore this website and learn more.

The principles of mediation we will discover are so powerful that I have changed careers to move from a lawyer who often saw that litigation produced no winners to a mediator who helps people work through their difficulties in a reasonable way without fear and intimidation.  Learn how these proven principles can be applied to your situation.